Dr. Heidi talks with Dr Anastasia Dedyukhina is a digital wellness coach, Huffington Post blogger, author of Homo Distractus and a TEDx speaker.
She got rid of her smartphone as well as her senior international career in digital marketing, when she realised how dependent she had become on her gadget. Dr Dedyukhina is the founder of Consciously Digital™, a London-based digital wellbeing consultancy. Consciously Digital helps people balance their use of modern technologies and offline life. She speaks and writes about the impact of technology on us – present and future. Consciously Digital Coach Training program is the only ICF accredited coach training in the world that prepared digital wellbeing coaches. She is frequently quoted in the press (BBC, The Guardian, Metro etc) talking about tech-life balance and the importance of ethical technology.
Consciously Digital™ is one of the global leaders in digital wellbeing training, and a pioneer in digital wellbeing training in the UK and Europe. The mission of Consciously Digital and Anastasia is to help people be more human in the digital age, and find a balance between technologizing the society and developing and retaining the best what makes us human – creativity, empathy, making mistakes and learning from them. We offer bespoke coaching and training programs that are based on a unique methodology that blends together the world’s best practice in project management, digital marketing, coaching, positive psychology and change management. We worked with start-ups and multinationals that are interested in having a more productive and creative workforce in the age of digital distractions across the globe. We also have a school program targeted at students age 10-17, as well as parents and teachers, which has been so far been rolled out in Spain, Portugal and the UK.
Website: https://www.consciously-digital.com
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/consciouslydigital
Twitter ID: @conscidigital
Instagram: @consciouslydigital
This episode is also celebrates Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste’s, #1 Bestselling book, Digital Self Mastery Across Generations, Print edition now available from all on-line booksellers, and for order in local book sellers internationally.
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