Dr. Heidi and Andreas Forsland, CEO of Cognixion talk about innovations in communication that literally provide a voice (their own) to those challenged with physical or mental limitations.
Andreas Forsland, Founder of Cognixion, invented a revolutionary sensory communication system that enables people to communicate using body language – including a direct brain computer interface (BCI) that translations brainwaves into communication. His startup has won the prestigious Roddenberry Prize, the Gold Edison Award for Social Impact, the Singularity University Global Grand Challenge for Education for its potential to impact over a billion lives as well as the Global Elevate Award.
Prior to Cognixion, Andreas envisioned and grew remarkable design teams at Citrix, Philips Electronics, Progressive Insurance, IBM and has pioneered innovative solutions that have disrupted markets and created new categories across consumer digital lifestyles, mobile communication, and healthcare, improving lives and revenues.
Andreas has also spoken around the world on topics of innovation, transforming healthcare, universal design and most memorably, the ‘Future of Communication’ at the Library of Alexandria, Egypt to an audience of over 1000 Muslim IEEE member engineers, inspiring collaboration and unity through new methods of communication.
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